Department Profile

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science program was started in 2020 with intake of 64. Now a days, this program has more demand in software industry. It is true that AI has replaced some jobs, however, it has also brought new roles for human workers. As per a 2017 research from IDC, released by SALESFORCE, AI is projected to create 823,734 jobs by the year 2021, surpassing the number of jobs lost to AI technologies such AS MACHINE LEARNING and AUTOMATION.

Aim of the Department

  • To give students 100% job placement especially in AI market.
  • To make all students Industry Ready.
  • To impart training so that they will get valuable certifications in the areas of Applied Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and NLP etc.
  • To make the experts in development of Real time projects

Head of the Department

Dr Venkatesh K


HoD, Dept. of AI & DS

Dr. Venkatesh K, an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, boasts a rich and diverse background in teaching, research, innovation, and administration spanning over 15 years. He holds a Ph.D. in machine learning. Dr. Venkatesh stands as an esteemed educator and prolific researcher in his field, having contributed significantly with over 20 IPR-patents and the establishment of various startups. His research interests primarily revolve around Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Venkatesh possesses exceptional programming skills across multiple languages and has had a profound impact as a mentor, having trained over 1000 students and spearheaded a Java programming club. Furthermore, he demonstrates keen insights into funding opportunities, entrepreneurship, and startups. His commitment to academia and research is evident through his active participation in workshops, conferences, Hackathons, and Faculty Development Programs, where he continuously refines his expertise in emerging trends in Computer Science, Innovation, and Business Management.

Dr. Venkatesh's dedication to educating, inspiring, and nurturing future generations of technology professionals, computer scientists, and engineers shines through his unwavering commitment to excellence. His wealth of experience, passion for teaching, academic achievements, and active engagement in the field make him a highly respected figure within the academic community.


  • To identify cross-cutting applications in other disciplines to co-evolve AI while solving domain-specific challenges,
  • To study social and cultural implications and assume leadership in formulation of policies for ethical and legal considerations
  • To design innovative educational programs and skills training mechanisms to prepare students and retool the workforce for the AI era,
  • To develop strategic partnerships with industry and government, and evolve training ecosystems for workforce development to cultivate the skills and capabilities necessary for the AI driven future


  • To bring together educators and researchers in an interdisciplinary environment to continue to make significant breakthroughs in advancing the promise of machine or human-machine systems that can address complex cognitive tasks.
  • Dedicated to providing an infrastructure and opportunities, which build relationships, facilitate creative interaction, and support the visionary ideas that are required to realize true machine intelligence and human-machine partnership.

PEO 1: Students will possess knowledge and the power of AI in wide spectrum from basic machine learning concepts to computer vision to advanced autonomous systems.
PEO 2: Students will get expertise to transform their theoretical knowledge and cutting-edge technology into innovative products towards solving real-world problems and helping society in several dimensions
PEO 3: Students will process enormous quantity of data and variety of algorithms to reveal hidden patterns, correlations, insights, and help organizations harness their data to identify new opportunities.

PSO 1 : Technical Skills: Apply the fundamental knowledge to develop AI based systems using computational principles, methods and systems for extracting knowledge from data and modern computational systems
PSO 2 : Leadership Skills: Demonstrate professionalism and ethics in managing academic/ non-academic activities as a team and an individual.
PSO 3 : Social Responsibility: Develop an attitude to understand the societal issues and apply the acquired professional skills to provide feasible AI-based solutions